Updated: Apr 2007 Compiling tbaMUD under Microsoft Windows

There are a number of different compilers available for Microsoft Windows that can be used to compile tbaMUD. Each compiler works differently, so each compiler has a different set of instructions.

We currently have instructions for using the following compilers:

  1. Cygnus CYGWIN (Formerly Cygnus GNU-Win32). This is a FREE compiler for Microsoft Windows! If you don’t own a compiler, you can just download this one off the net and get tbaMUD up and running in no time. Read the file README.CYGWIN.

  2. Microsoft Visual C++ version 4.x – read the file README.MSVC4.

  3. Microsoft Visual C++ version 5.x – read the file README.MSVC5.

  4. Microsoft Visual C++ version 6.x – read the file README.MSVC6.

  5. Microsoft Visual C++ version 8.x – read the file README.MSVC8. This is also called Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 and the express edition is free and can be downloaded from Microsoft.

  6. Borland C++ – read the file README.BORLAND

  7. Watcom C++ v.11 – read the file README.WATCOM

It should be possible to compile tbaMUD using other compilers that are not listed here, or other versions of these compilers – as long as they support long filenames, etc. However, we don’t have instructions handy for those compilers. Feel free to submit your own.

Have fun! For help, check out

Originally written by: Jeremy Elson