O Indra with Ṛtu.

Devas, with Ṛtu; sanctify the rite, for ye give precious gifts.

Accept our offering; with Ṛtu, for thou art he who giveth wealth.

Bring the Devas, in the three appointed places set them down: Surround them, and with Ṛtu.

Ṛtus, undissolved, O Indra, is thy friendship's bond.

Mitra, Indra, ye whose ways are firm—a Power that none deceives—, with Ṛtu ye have reached the rite.

Praise the Wealth-giver in the rite, in offerings praise the Deva.

May the Wealth-giver grant to us riches that shall be far renowned.

These things we gain, among the Devas.

He with the Ṛtu.

Wealth-giver, honour thee with the Ṛtus, be A Giver bountiful to us.

Drink ye the meath, O Indra bright with flames, whose acts are pure, who with Ṛtus accept the offering.

With Ṛtu, kind Giver, guidest offering: Worship the Devas for the pious man.