HEARD be our meditation! In thought I honour Agni first: now straightway we elect this heavenly company, Indra and Soma we elect.

For when our latest thought is raised and on Vivasvān centred well, the, may our holy songs go forward on their way, our songs as ’twere unto the Devas.

As there ye, Indra, above the true have taken to yourselves the untrue with your mind, with wisdom's mental energy, So in the seats wherein ye dwell have we beheld the Golden One, Not with our thoughts or spirit, but with these our eyes, yea, with the eyes that Soma gives.

Indra, the pious call you with their hymns of praise, sounding their loud song forth to you, these living men, to their oblations, living men. All glories and all nourishment, Lords of all wealth! depend on you. The fellies of your golden chariot scatter drops, Mighty Ones! of your golden car.

Well is it known, O Mighty Ones: ye open Heaven; for you the chariot-steeds are yoked for morning rites, unswerving steeds for morning rites, We set you on the chariot-seat, ye Mighty, on the golden car. Ye seek mid-air as by a path that leads aright, as by a path that leads direct.

O Rich in Strength, through your great power vouchsafe us blessings day and night. The offerings which we bring to you shall never fail, gifts brought by us shall never fail.

These Soma-drops, strong Indra! drink for heroes, poured, pressed out by pressing-stones, are welling forth for thee, for thee the drops are welling forth. They shall make glad thy heart to give, to give wealth great and wonderful. Thou who acceptest praise come glorified by hymns, come thou to us benevolent.

Quickly, O Agni, hear us: magnified by us thou shalt speck for us to the Devas adorable yea, to the Kings adorable: When, O ye Deities, ye gave that Milch-cow to the Aṅgirases, they milked her: Aryaman, joined with them, did the work: he knoweth her as well as I.

Ne’e. May these manly deeds of yours for us grow old, neve. May your bright glories fall into decay, never before our time decay. What deed of yours, new every age, wondrous, surpassing man, rings forth, whatever, Devas. May be difficult to gain, grant us, whate’er is hard to gain.

Dadhyac of old, Aṅgiras, Priyamedha these, and Kaṇva, Atri, Manu knew my birth, yea, those of ancient days and Manu knew. Their long line stretcheth to the Devas, our birth-connexions are with them. To these, for their high station, I bow down with song, to Indra, Agni, bow with song.

Let the Invoker bless: let offerers bring choice gifts; Soma the Friend doth offering with Steers, Steers that have many an excellence. Now with our ears we catch the sound of the press-stone that rings afar. The very Strong hath gained the waters by himself, the strong gained many a resting-place.

O ye Eleven Devas whose home is Heaven, O ye Eleven who make Earth your dwelling, Ye who with might, Eleven, live in waters, accept this offering, O Devas, with pleasure.