As, Indra, from great treason thou protectest, yea, from great treachery these who approach us, So, marking well, Controller of the Devas grant us their blessings, for they are thy dearest.

The various doings of all mortal people by thee are ordered, in thy wisdom, Indra.

The host of Devas goeth forth exulting to win the light-bestowing spoil of battle.

O Indra: the Devas set their wole power in motion. E’en Agni shines resplendent in the brush-wood: the offerings hold him as floods hold an island.

Vouchsafe us now that opulence, O Indra, as guerdon won by mightiest donation. May hymns that please thee cause the breast of Soma to swell as with the mead's refreshing sweetness.

With thee, O Indra, are most bounteous riches that further every one who lives uprightly. No. May these Devas show us loving-kindness, Devas who of old were ever prompt to help us.

Bring forth the Men who rain down boons, O Indra, for their broad-chested speckled deer are standing like a King's armies on the field of battle.

Heard is the roar of the advancing Devas, terrific, glittering, and swiftly moving.

Give to Indra with Devas, gifts universal. Thou, Deva, art praised with Devas who must be lauded. May we find strengthening food in full abundance.