Come hither, O ye Sons of Strength, ye Ṛbhus; stay not afar, ye Children of Sudhanvan.
At this libation is your gift of treasure. Let gladdening draughts approach you after Indra's.
Hither is come the Ṛbhus' gift of riches; here was the drinking of the well-pressed Soma, Since by dexterity and skill as craftsmen ye made the single chalice to be fourfold
Ye made fourfold the chalice that wag single: ye spake these words and said, O Friend, assist us; Then, Vājas! gained the path of life eternal, deft-handed Ṛbhus, to the Devas’ assembly.
Out of what substance was that chalice fashioned which ye made fourfold by your art and wisdom? Now for the gladdening draught press out the liquor, and drink, O Ṛbhus, of die meath of Soma.
Ye with your cunning made your Parents youthful; the cup, for Devas to drink, ye formed with cunning; With cunning, Ṛbhus, rich in treasure, fashioned the two swift Tawny Steeds who carry Indra.
Whoso pours out for you, when days are closing, the sharp libation for your joy, O Vājas, for him, O mighty Ṛbhus, ye, rejoicing, have fashioned wealth with plenteous store of heroes.
Lord of Bay Steeds, at dawn the juice thou drankest: thine, only thine, is the noonday libation. Now drink thou with the wealth-bestowing Ṛbhus, whom for their skill thou madest friends, O Indra.
Ye, whom your artist skill hath raised to Godhead have set you down above in Heaven like falcons. So give us riches, Children of Sudhanvan, O Sons of Strength; ye have become immortal.
The third libation, that bestoweth treasure, which ye have won by skill, ye dexterous-handed. This drink hath been effused for you, O Ṛbhus . drink it with high delight, with joy like Indra's.