COME to our offering, Vājas, Ṛbhukṣans, Devas, by the paths which Devas are wont to travel, as ye, gay Devas, accept in splendid weather the offering among these folk of Manus.
May these rites please you in your heart and spirit. May the drops clothed in oil this day approach you.
May the abundant juices bear you onward to power and strength, and, when imbibed, delight you.
Your threefold going near is Deva-appointed, so praise is given you, Vājas and Ṛbhukṣans. So, Manus-like, mid younger folk I offer, to you who are aloft in Heaven, the Soma.
Strong, with fair chains of gold and jaws of iron, ye have a splendid car and well-fed horses. Ye Sons of Strength, ye progeny of Indra, to you the best is offered to delight you.
Ṛbhukṣans! him, for handy wealth, the mightiest comrade in the fight, him, Indra's equal, we invoke, most bounteous ever, rich in steeds.
The mortal man whom, Ṛbhus, ye and Indra favour with your help, Must be successful, by his thoughts, at offering and with the steed.
O Vājas and Ṛbhukṣans, free for us the paths to offering, Ye Princes, lauded, that we may press forward to each point of Heaven.
O Vājas and Ṛbhukṣans, Indra, bless this wealth, and, before other men's, the steed, that ample riche. May be won.