THE Godlike hero, famousest of nobles, hath granted me two oxen with a wagon.

Trvrsan's son Tryaruna hath distinguished himself, Vaiล›vฤnara Agni! with ten thousands.

Protect Tryaruna, as thou art waxing strong and art highly praised, Vaiล›vฤnara Agni! Who granteth me a hundred kine and twenty, and two bay horses, good at draught, and harnessed.

So Trasadasyu served thee, Deva Most Youthful, craving thy favour for the ninth time, Tryaruya who with attentive spirit accepteth many a song from me the mighty.

He who declares his wish to me, to Asvamedha, to the Prince, Pays him who with his verse seeks gain, gives power to him who keeps the Law.

From whom a hundred oxen, all of speckled hue, delight my heart, the gifts of Asvamedha, like thrice-mingled draughts of Soma juice.

To Asvamedha who bestows a hundred gifts grant hero power, O Indra and Agni! lofty rule like the unwasting Sun in Heaven.