GREAT is this might of yours, Indra and Soma, the first high exploits were your own achievements.

Ye found the Sun ye found the light of Heaven.

Ye, Indra, led the Sun on high with all his splendour. Ye stayed the Heaven with a supporting pillar, .

Ye , Indra and Soma, Heaven approved your exploit. Ye urged to speed the currents of the rivers, and many seas have ye filled full with waters.

Ye in the unripe udders of the milch-kine have set the ripe milk, Indra and Soma. Ye have held fast the unimpeded whiteness within these many-coloured moving creatures.

Verily ye bestow, Indra and Soma, wealth, famed, victorious, passing to our children. Ye have invested men, ye Mighty Beings, with manly strength that conquers in the battle.