KINGS, Indra, I would turn you hither to this our offering with gifts and homage.
Held in both arms the ladle, dropping fatness, goes of itself to you whose forms are varied.
Devas quickens and promotes your high dominion who bind with bonds not wrought of rope or cordage. Far from us still be Indra's displeasur. May Indra give us spacious room to dwell in.
Make ye our offering fair amid the assemblies: make ye our meditations approved among our princes. May Deva-sent riches come for our possession: further ye us with your delightful assists.
O Indra, vouchsafe us riches with store of treasure, food, and every blessing; For the ฤditya, banisher of falsehood, the Hero, dealeth wealth in boundless plenty.
May this my song reach Indra and IndraDeva, and, strongly urging, win me sons and offspring. To the Devasโ banque. May we go with riches. Preserve us evermore, ye Devas, with blessings.