ONE is a youth brown, active, manifold he decks the golden one with ornament.
Another, luminous, occupies the place of sacritice, Sage, among the Devas.
One brandishes in his hand an iron knife, firm, in his seat amid the Deities.
Another holds the thunderbolt, wherewith he subdues the VαΉtras, resting in his hand.
Another bears a pointed weapon: bright is he, and strong, with healing medicines.
Another, thief-like, watches well the ways, and knows the places where the treasures lie.
Another with his mighty stride hath made his three steps thither where the Devas rejoice.
Two with one Dame ride on with winged steeds, and journey forth like travellers on their way.
Two, highest, in the heavens have set their seat, worshipped with holy oil, imperial Kings.
Some, singing lauds, conceived the SΔma-hymn, great hymn whereby they caused the Sun to shine.